Friday, June 16, 2017

The excitement had only begun....

Today (yesterday) has only begun and it's already the absolute best!  I worked out and then headed to Starbucks in my workout clothes so I did not look very professional at all. then I decided to run some errands and ran into a co-worker, Mrs. Teresa. Then I insisted on stopping by to see Kirsty. I was lucky enough to be given a Starbucks card. Insisting on using the card for her, I took her order and it was scheduled for later delivery. I was excited to actually had an agenda when I went into Starbucks. I rolled into Starbucks and there is a slew of firefighters from Monument with only one to whom I knew, Mike Smaldino! Why oh why does that name sounds familiar besides the fact that I know him…Oh yeah, his wife Sunny helps determine if the fire regulations are passing West!

First I saw a coworker and then I was reminded about West’s fire inspector! Just a couple connections so far.

Later Jason came over to watch Big Bang Theory and we had some awesome desert. For some odd reason I forgot that I had not eaten dinner yet so I simultaneously ate dinner and several bites of Jason's carrot cake :-).

Relying on technology is pretty sad- - all of the memories of yesterday I thought I had recorded were not in the document this morning so I'm not sure what else happened :-( Oh! I delivered Kirsy’s Starbucks and it was so much fun, I may have unintentionally volunteered for a summer volunteer job of Starbucks delivery. Again, please excuse to very incoherent writing I just speak this into my cell phone and proof read it once I've posted it.
But wait, there's more...

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