Thursday, July 19, 2018

They're Everywhere They're Everywhere!

They're Everywhere They're Everywhere!
My mind had so many things going on this morning I wondered if I should even go to the office or not. But then I thought, “ Kimi, you need to quit thinking about yourself and think about good things that happen at the office.” So I did my part in settling what was happening in my mind and headed down to the office. I rolled in and of course the morning rush was there although I didn't seen any of my friends. I am afraid I may have missed them. There was a lady and her children sitting at the wheelchair table but they were having breakfast and looked to be about finished so I went over to another table to collect my thoughts and not invade their breakfast time. Of course I started talking to the little girls and one of them was very shy and a little scared of my hot rod. I pulled out my children's book and their mom read “I Can't Walk But I Can Roll” to them. It was so exciting to see the little girl's face light up when her mom explained that girl is me.

On a good note, I am getting my excitement under control; even though I was so excited that when I woke up this morning I didn't text anybody right then. I waited until after I worked out and then I even told myself to wait until after I showered and I listened!?!  A lot thought sorting happens in the shower. I have been reminded at many meetings (my counselor, pastors, random counselors, coworkers) that sincerely asking for forgiveness and prayer are the most that can be done on my part when I feel like I may have wronged someone  or period after that it is out of my hands.

When I first arrived I noticed two lovely ladies but they seemed to be into their conversation so I minding my business for a bit however there came a time when speaking to the ladies seemed all the okay I heard them mention something about teachers and then elementary school. The door for conversation-- wide open! As if I wasn't excited enough, I got super excited to find out that the daughter (Kristy) of one of the ladies (Chari) will work at West Elementary next year. And the other lady (Brenda) is a retired teacher.
I expectedly, unexpectedly got to go on an adventure with my niece and her boyfriend who took me to get my medicine. Rei and were so funny--! she is the best uber driver ever!

About to finish the blog for tonight because I was feeling a little under the weather I haven't run into a person sitting at the new high chair long table Haley. Come to find out she's a history teacher at Mitchell High School! My goodness, educatord in some form or fashion are everywhere! They're everywhere, they're everywhere!

I am going to start including bullets of my random thoughts at the end of each blog.

Katie this Norwex optic cloth hanging off the side of my purse is so convenient and amazing!

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